Tuesday, May 6, 2008

For my brother...

Everybody needs an Uncle Stevie...

Uncle Stevie never wears shirts with sleeves.
In being the ultimate gamer, he believes.
He passes on video games when he is through.
He even regularly buys & gives them brand new.
Uncle Stevie likes weapons, guns are his preferred.
Each nephew gets a gun or two, maybe even a third.
He will tell the boys tales, "I learned this in the army."
It's true he never served, they know he's being smarmy.
Uncle Stevie loves to find a sale, quite the bargain shopper.
His visits are usually gift giving, always a show stopper.
He is really not very fond of getting his picture taken.
So you'll know, he reminds me of a burger with some bacon.
Very truly, the boys love their uncle dearly
because his frequent visits bring on recess cheerily.
It's true he'd never ever let my kids feel needy
but if I could change it, I would have the Uncle Stevie.


My brother is now calling me "French Fry". He took me & the boys to lunch today. So, CHA-CHING, my insanely awesome poetry is already paying off!


Half Pint said...

Ilove your poem...It made me cry though.
My uncle Steve, he was a stinker, the family clown. He passed away nearly 3 years ago from malignant melanoma. He was in his 30's and we miss him dearly.

Half Pint said...

Oh yeah, he ALWAYS cut the sleeves out of his shirts.... what's up with that?? He also ate potato chips with ketchup. Must be something with the name.

Sea-gal said...

Potato chips with ketchup!?!? Two of my children dip green beans in ketchup - I thought that was bad! Thanks for stopping by our blogs - and for the encouraging words. Have a blessed day :)

Course of Perfection said...

Half Pint: Sorry to make you cry.
The sleeves thing cracks me up. My brother was in a golf tournament last weekend. He was wondering about cutting the sleeves out of his polo shirt. YEEE-HAWWW! That's my Bubba!

Sea-Gal: It seems to me that people use ketchup in all sorts of odd ways. I could personally just almost eat it as a side dish on its own.

Half Pint said...

It's ok ... it wasn't a bad cry, just remembering and missing him.
Ketchup is a side dish at our house too.