Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Crossing Over

Some transitions are just plainly painful. This is one of those. I have been a Dr. Pepper girl for years. I remember that guy from An American Werewolf in London asking in those DP commericals, "Wouldn't you like to be a Pepper too?" I would and I am. Now, years later I'm not the stick thin person that I used to be. Maybe my metabolism isn't as high anymore. I have a few, extra, unwanted pounds.

I am not a diet-kind of person. You may have read my son's motto..."Eat Big or Go Home". This applies to the entire family. So, as a sort of step in the right direction, I thought it would be sensible to change to Diet Dr. Peppers.

I have never liked the taste of ANY diet beverages. That after-taste is a killer. My mother told me that it just takes a little getting used to. She said to just keep drinking them & the taste would grow on you. Pretty soon, you would prefer it to the regular. You would get to the point where the taste of a regular one would gag you.

Okay, I'm still gagging on the diet stuff. I took the plunge & drink only diet drinks. Yuck, yuck, & yet again, yuck. When this first started, I was tearful every time I ordered a diet Dr. Pepper. I wanted to cry...I mean really break down & sob.

I know there are great life lessons here. I am not mourning just the loss of my beloved Dr. Peppers, but also a bit of my youth. I am no longer that eat-anything-you-want-and-never-gain-a-pound girl. I'm a...mature woman. (I almost cracked up when I typed that.)

I desire to enjoy every season of this life. I'm definitely moving into another, but watch that first step...it's a doozy. I will plug along & maybe someday I will enjoy my Diet Dr. Peppers. Until then, I have my fond memories...


Jesse Baggett said...

I'm a pepper! I'd much rather stop drinking sodas altogether rather than force myself to drink diet sodas. That's the plan anyway - right now I just drink the real stuff in smaller quanities. Good luck!

Bo said...

I'm sure its a real encouragement that I have always have a case of DP at the office.

Becky G said...

Your mother is right. Well, at least in my case. When I first started drinking diet Dr Pepper about 2 years ago, I left me gagging, too. Now, I don't even think about it.

I remember the old Be A Pepper ad campaign. There was another drink launched about that time--it may have been local, I don't know--called Dr. Nut. Their tag line was "After all, who wants to be a pepper?" Shortly after that, the Be A Pepper ads started appearing.

My brother and I, whenever we saw that Dr Nut commercial would always respond, "I'd rather be a pepper than a nut!"

Course of Perfection said...

Sky: Smaller quantities...that's what I have a problem with.

Bo: It's amazing how quickly someone can go from partner-in-crime to arch enemy.

Becky: I'd rather be a pepper than a nut too!

Junk Diva said...

Hey Pepper, I drink diet soda all the time, look what it has done for me.. LOL.... Randy says they taste like burnt rubber.

The Friendly Neighborhood Piper said...

Can you not just cut back some? I mean seriously...drinking diet? And please, i've seen you...its not as if your like those bulging black spandex wearing 'neckettes that roam the aisles of WalMart on their battery powered scooters...no, not even close.

Inquiries said...

Diet is worse for you than regular. The chemicals in the artificial sweetener.

You would be better just cutting back some.

I don't drink sodas. I love water!

RJ said...

I agree with "Inquiries". I cut out sodas and now only have one every once in a while. I started drinking water and now it's all I want. No after taste. You do know what sweetener is in diet sodas don't you? Aspartame. Do some research on it some time. You read things like "formaldahyde" and such. I get a different kind of headache from time to time. I can usually find that the culprit is Aspartame in something new that I've tried. Now I read labels to see if it's in there.

Bag Blog said...

Having NEVER been one of those eat-anything-you-want-and-never-gain-a-pound girls, I have no sympathy. Diet has been a way of life for me since I was 10 years old. Although, maybe the Diva was right - just look what all this dieting and drinking diet Pepsi has done for me. By the way, GBN1 calls my drink, "Dr. Pepsi."

Bag Blog said...

Another thought: considering that you can pour a cola over a car battery and it will eat the gunk off of it, maybe we should stop drinking any kind of colas - diet or not.

Half Pint said...

Ahhhh...the dilema. Since all my migraine stuff I don't drink much pop any more. I miss it though, I used to be a diet cokeaholic. Sometimes I sneek a diet cherry vanilla dr. pepper. They are pretty good, and yes you do get used to the taste.