Thursday, April 10, 2008


I found my camera! What a great feeling. I was organizing the pile beside my bed & Hello, camera. I should have known.

The pile beside my bed consists of my current reads. I'm a literary junkie. I REALLY like to read. I wish my house was a library.

Let me share what was hiding my camera. I've been reading "Six Wives: The Queens of Henry VIII" for awhile. I really like the style of the author, David Starkey. "Jane Austen The Complete Novels", "Costume Jewelry", & "Virtual Vintage" are some standbys.

I am currently borrowing several writing books from the library. They are "2007 Writer's Market", "The Art & Craft of Poetry", "The Poetry Home Repair Manual", "Beginner's Guide to Getting Published", "Making & Keeping Creative Journals", & "Writing & Illustrating Children's Books for Publishing". "Not So Big Solutions for Your Home" doesn't fit the writing genre, but was snagged while waiting for the boys.

Used book stores are a favorite hang-out of mine. My latest treasures include "The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson", "Leonardo Da Vinci", & "The Great Thoughts". I was recently intrigued by Da Vinci while studying Italy with my boys for a Geography Fair. "The Great Thoughts" book made me laugh when I bought it. I was thinking to myself, "You don't have any great thoughts of your own?" The cover says "From Abelard to Zola, from ancient Greece to contemporary America, the ideas that have shaped the history of the world." I have only searched out the section on George Washington so far.

I also have a few publications waiting bedside. They are "OCHEC Informer", "Lucky", a few crosswords, & a sudoku. If you're looking for a fashion/shopping mag without all the sleaze articles & gossip junk, I enjoy "Lucky". I also always have my AVON brochures on hand.

I always have a Bible on hand too. Riley loves for me to read scripture to him while he's going to sleep, very soothing indeed. It is also usually a great time for Bible study with the whole gang.

Riley has a few of his books there too. Our all-time favorite is "Skippyjon Jones" by Judy Schachner. This is one of the best books ever! Rye also has "Cacti & Succulents". He really likes cactus.

Ok, now that I have my camera, I can get busy on my new idea, picture charades. Wanna play?
Well, I can't get started on that until I finish my taxes. So, I'm off to it. Do I work for a CPA? That's right, I do...


Junk Diva said...

I think you should organize an book club. I would love to play with you.

The Friendly Neighborhood Piper said...

I'm sure i could enter some of HRHTDP's pics in the picture charades...they're a hoot. Emily Dickinson seems a little dark for you...she was always such a happy soul. I've always wanted to have the Compleat Works of William Shakespeare Unabridged. Homer's Iliad and Odyssey and a number of other classics, i think i could be a book junkie too...its certainly safer than my other hobbies.

mornin'lady said...

I love to read, I may have to post a list of all my favorites and my current readings sometime soon.
Glad you found that camera. Been there, done that!

Inquiries said...

Wow you are an avid reader! I am impressed!

Course of Perfection said...

Diva: Book Club sounds fun. I'll get the game started soon.

Piper: You should ask HRHTDP if she wants to start the charade game.
Colt has a version of Homer's Iliad.

Dawn: I would love to hear about your favorites.

Course of Perfection said...

Oops, Ash. I just missed you. We seem to be the late-nighters, but I'm off to bed. Nighty-night!

Course of Perfection said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Back when I worked for the State, I read the Iliad. All of


Course of Perfection said...

Bo: What was the site? What work did you do for the State exactly?

Bag Blog said...

Did you happen to find my reading glasses?