Monday, March 24, 2008

The Riley Line Farewell

Well, this is good-bye to "The Riley Line". Riley said something today that had Colt & me rollin'. After we started laughing. Riley said, "Is that a 'Riley Line'?" I felt like a stage mother should feel! : ( LOL. So, to NOT run the risk of exploiting my beautiful, unaffected son's humorous take on life; I'm going to stop blogging it. I will continue to discreetly take notes when I can & hopefully share it with him & his wife one day, a long time from now, when he can appreciate it. I will also share random Riley-ness with you guys too. Let me give you a final line...

Riley: If I marry a wife named Sal, what will her name be?
Mom: Sally Ellis
Riley: No, SAL.
Mom: Oh, I'm sorry, SAL Ellis.
Riley: (confused) Why's that?
Mom: What do you mean? Did you think that you would get her name?
Riley: No, I thought the preacher made up a new name for ya.


Inquiries said...

That is so funny!

Junk Diva said...

My day will be less bright. SNIF SNIF !

Course of Perfection said...

I know...what will you come here to read? :(

Bag Blog said...

Couldn't you just blog the Riley line without him knowing...